Group Work

Space Traders and Raiders (S.T.A.R)

S.T.A.R. is a project made for my major's equivalent of a capstone class, where I worked with a team of 25 other students to turn a board game designed by our client (our professor, who was using a game he created before his retirement) into a video game. The game required significant re-tooling and I was a part of our design department tasked with creating a vision for how we will improve the game and what we would do. The game is a strategy game where players are tasked with leading a faction to either riches or dominance in a science-fiction setting, with a heavy focus on their interplanetary vessels.

During the project, I was involved in organizing meetings between departments in order to keep the entire team organized on a singular vision alongside a myriad of different segments of the game. I was notably involved in the design of ships, including the power diversion triangle system, combat mechanics, and I had a hand in the game economy overview. You can check out the game at the link, or skim through my documentation here.


CyberSTEAL is a prototype video game produced with a small team of four people, with myself serving as a mechanical designer and programmer. CyberSTEAL is a horde shooter where the player must navigate a level to find three keys, open a door which contains a treasure, and continue through to complete each level. The game was made in Unreal Engine, a platform that my entire team was unfamiliar with, and I was responsible for transitioning the project to using Blueprints in order for myself and the other programmer on the team to be able to more efficiently determine breaking points in code and prototype much more quickly. I was assigned to create a system where the player must collect three keys to open a door, which has their collectible objective behind it, and I created the transitions between levels, aiming to maintain a smoother pace for the player. You can check out the game for Windows at, or read the game design document, which I wrote alongside the team's artist.

Simplicity Library

I built the Simplicity Library in a group for a software engineering class where we were tasked to create a method by which a student in an earlier programming class can visualize the data structures that they are tasked with using. My group opted to create a single-header C++ library relying on terminal output for the sake of ease of use, and fittingly, simplicity. During the project, we worked in collaborative adversarial pairs, and I was involved in programming and envisioning how the user would interact with and receive responses from the library. I also helped write the user manual, with a goal to ensure that the instructions remained concise and understandable.

A large challenge for the library was determining what we wanted to include visualization for and what we wanted to ignore, eventually, we narrowed down a list of goals and successfully achieved every one, save for trees, which we ended up having to cut due to time constraints. During our time creating the library, I participated in research to determine our methods for handling data types, limiting the number of functions we would create for users, and determining what data structures current and future classes will use most commonly.

You can check out the library's GitHub page here.

Iron Arms (鉄腕)

Iron Arms is an MVP of a mech fighting game developed for the Oculus platform inspired by the Virtual-On series. I was a designer on the project and was responsible for creating levels and designing mechs for the players to use. Originally, the project was much larger in scope, including four mechs, three created by myself and another from our team's other designer, and an equal number of levels,  however as I was participating in the planning for SUNY Poly's GDC 2023 outing, and there were other team members who were either attending or assisting in the setup, the project did have to contract by a large scale, leaving two mechs and three maps playable in the end. Check it out on or take a peek at some of my documents for arenas and mechs here.